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It was a cute looking piece!
I enjoyed the world, trying to find different ways to collect all the flowers without becoming a frog.
I found a bug that if you input diagonally at the same time, you can go over the wall, meow!
I'm looking forward to seeing how this world will change in the future!

Hi my friend, 

I didn`t know this bug! Oww!
This version is only a prototype of something better I`m going to release with calm.
The concept is solve some puzzles that will give the boy the power of transformation into some animals.

... so, it`s a good idea turn him a cat to achieve "impossible" flowers. I`ll do.

Thank you very much for your feedback, you are the best tester. 

Hi Lucas
Wow, it would be very exciting to be a kitty! It would be so much fun to be able to take on different forms. I would personally love it if you could make all kinds of comments when you meet your mother when you are transforming!

congrats and finished?

hi there! yes, it’s a prototype, I am adding more elements to the game like: turn a bird to fly over rocks and trees, some puzzles, etc.

pls tell me, how was your experience and let me know your suggestions?

yes very fun, but I thought I should give the people frog, but I turned to a frog, and I thought I should pretend to be her/his frog, but I win.

It makes sense! Thanks for bring this point!

where is the power theme I think you mean turn to other and get power

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