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Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!


Hey! Thanks for that, I gonna check it out as soon as possible!

I really enjoyed watching the animations of the moving PEAS, and I played more and more, wanting to get a new kind of PEAS as soon as possible.

However, by the time I got to 6x6, my brain couldn't tell the difference between the various peas, and while I was trying to figure out what was missing, the peas started moving on their own, which was very difficult.

Thanks to Mommy's Mode, I managed to clear 6x6, but I lost the game with the 9x9 that appeared after that. But the 3 new peas that appeared were the cutest!

And I found a bug that might make it impossible to clear the locked jumping peas if they move.

One last thing, I like the story behind the implementation of Mommy's Mode very Cozy!


Very happy to hear you playing this game with such enthusiasm!

Tonight I'm going to have a meeting with all the Peas. I want to hear them and understand what is happening. I really hope to fix the issue. :)

Thank you so much for the time playing PEAS for almost 1 hour in your Youtube channel, and for sharing here your feedback! It motivates me more and more to keep working on it.

By the way, I am your the 300th youtube subscriber. 

Peas and meetings, just imagine how much fun it would be! 

I like to play Pico-8 games on my phone as well, so I would love to try 9x9 on my phone.

Also, thanks for the 300th person! I am very happy!


Hey Catlover, just letting you know the meeting was fine and the Peas are going to obey the orders (I guess).

Could you try again?

Wow! Glad the meeting with Peas went well!

Of course I'll play, thanks for letting me know!

I'm playing on my phone I cleared stage 11!

It was 9x9 and it was so cute to see the screen just before clearing and all the Peas moving!

(I was so happy I wanted to share a picture, but I decided not to because it would be a tremendous spoiler)

My favorite Peas so far is Say Good Bye Pea, he is so cute waving and sometimes going behind the door!

But sometimes he goes behind the door even if it's locked, making it impossible to clear!

Sorry if maybe this has been fixed and my browser version just hasn't been updated!

(1 edit)

Really nice interpretation for the cart! Enjoyed the happy vibes and all the silly expressions they gave.

Levels are nicely constructed, altough sadly I ran unto a hard-lock, with level 9 missing the Happy guy on top left. (0,0)

Sound effects and graphics are well tuned, music could be a bit more varied, but that’s a hard part of gamedev I’m not really judging anyone with. Well done!

Hi Achie!

Yes, I have noticed some bugs, like this one you mentionated. The issue is the peas are nothing following my order. I really hope to fix them next version.

Music should be better, I'll try improve it. I confess I left this part for the last and didn't gave the attention for it.

Thank you so much for take a time trying the game. Those feedbacks mean hap-pea-ness for me! :D

Hey Achie!

The issue was  the locked Jumping Pea (0,0) was moving and leaving a blank space. We talked a bit and I hope this will not happen again.

Could you confirm it's fixed?

I really enjoyed this! Well done. Brilliant idea for this famicase too. The animations are silly and fun. The layout with the groups is refreshingly untraditional to sudoku but still makes perfect sense. The abilities really throw a wrench into the plans and turns it into more of an action puzzler; feeling like you are constantly putting out fires in a kindergarten class lol! 

Haha "constantly putting out fires in a kindergarten class", you get the idea! 

I know, the groups are not so clear for the first sight, but I hope after a while the player will learn.

Thanks for playing and sharing your feedback.

More, keep in mind you collaborated with some YT videos and on Discord, when I didn't know how to locate the storage in Pico-8 to publish here, because until then I was created using the edu version!

Always glad to help a fellow PICO-8 dev! =D

Yeah, great game. Good job !


Hey, thanks for playing and feeding me back!

Its very cute to see all them dancing

Aren't they so cute? Thanks!

wow I have to admit I hate regular sudoku (because I suck at it) but I love your interpretation! Very addictive game!

Agreed! Numbers can't jump, nor dance, even smile.
Thanks for give me your motivating feedback!

This is so unnecessarily charming, and on top of that the sudoku puzzles are great. Excellent game!

hahaha I loved the unnecessary part, thanks for playing it!